
ladderSkyToday I just wanted to share with you that each time I am coaching with a client I always see and hear something from my client that tells me that they have had a learning or insight to change their way of thinking, this then causes, changes in how they feel.

When this happens the next time we connect my client has not only changed a particular thinking pattern they have also changed their perspective and are then seeing the problem that they carried for ages in a new way, a different way.

Whether this is a pattern of how they used to think or whether it is how they used to feel about it, one amazing detail that is always great to share in that moment is that the change has happened for them.

Just by taking time out for themselves and talking and initiating and making that commitment to themselves, they have created space to create a new deal with themselves. That deal is a new way of being or doing something or reacting or even managing a situation with a different mind-set.

This can belong in any setting, professional, business or personal.

When this happens they let go of that problem which then creates profound changes for them…………

That is a great place to be.

What’s to Understand?

The main aim is to understand that everything really starts with a thought, so, if we change the thought we will then change our emotional state which may affect our physiology and or behaviour.

It sounds easy to do and sometimes we all do this and move on….and that’s great.

But sometimes thoughts can  and seem to have a life of their own and just will not go away as much as we want then too…….OR they become so repetitive , or re occur at certain times or just sit at the back of our minds. This then creates emotional attachments and behaviour that we just don’t want to have at all.

This is where coaching creates understanding and positive change.

On the other hand we have all experienced something like the following, where at some stage in our life… and if you look back, someone, somewhere said or did or took action from which you took a profound learning or understood it clearly in a new way   …. It may have inspired you… may have got you to see, hear or do things in a better way or different way. The thing is it caused a positive ripple of change inside of you.

It absolutely meant something to you, not anyone else, but to you.

Now everyone has a story to tell that they can remember like above, from those profound moments they made new decisions and those decisions were the best decisions.

Ask any successful individual, their life story who and what inspired them, when and how did things change for them, they can and will share that with you and recall it easily and effortlessly. 

When they remember they will always remember it very well, possibly with an expression that takes them back to that time!